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Is Invisalign Right for You? 14 Top Reasons to Consider This Braces Alternative

If you are looking for a way to straighten your teeth and achieve a beautiful smile without braces, Invisalign is an excellent alternative for you. This system is effective at correcting many issues, including crowded teeth, overbites, underbites, and gaps. Best of all, you won’t need to wear braces. At MyOrthodontist in Burgaw, NC, we have provided this service to hundreds of satisfied patients.

How the System Works

When you choose this treatment, we provide gentle care using the most advanced equipment available. Most of the equipment involved was specially designed by Invisalign to maximize results, ensure your comfort, and reduce treatment time. Here are the steps of the process:

Taking a Scan

We will take a scan of your mouth using the iTero Element scanner. This scan will show the current condition of your teeth and provide us with a starting point from which we can plan your improvement.

Planning Your Treatment

We create a plan for the adjustment of your teeth using Clincheck software. Every movement will be carefully taken into account. This will yield digital images of your progression at each stage. We can even show you what your smile will look like when you are finished!

Creating Your Aligners

We use a special 3D printer to create aligners based on the plan for your treatment. The aligners are designed to fit your teeth at progressive stages of your improvement.

Wearing Your Aligners

This part is up to you! You will wear each set of aligners for one to two weeks, depending on our assessment of your needs. When it is time to change sets, you simply swap them out at home. You only need to come into the office every six to eight weeks so that we can make sure everything is going according to plan.

Wearing Your Retainer

We know you’ll love the new smile you have at the end of your treatment. To keep it beautifully straight, you can wear a special Vivera retainer for a period of time after you stop using the aligners.

Who Can Choose This Treatment?

This system can help adults, teens, and even children. Anyone who wants to correct their teeth without the discomfort and inconvenience of braces should consult with our experts about how Invisalign can help them achieve the smile they want.

How Long Does the Treatment Take?

The length of your treatment will depend on your unique needs. Fortunately, the system is designed to get you results as fast as possible. For most people, eight to twelve months is all the time it takes to achieve a beautifully straight smile. Many people can get results in six months, or even as few as three.

The #14 Top Reasons to Consider Invisalign as an Alternative to Braces

1. It Is Effective

This system can correct most of the issues related to the alignment of your teeth. Many people choose it because they feel their teeth could just use some straightening, generally. The specific conditions it can address include:

  • Crowded teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite
  • Gap teeth

2. The Aligners Are Comfortable

The clear aligners are made out of SmartTrack, a patented material developed to make sure they feel natural in your mouth. Unlike other aligners, they are cut specifically for your gum line and will not cause any bleeding or discomfort. No cumbersome metal brackets or wires are involved in this system.

3. The Aligners Are Almost Invisible

You can show the world an unobstructed smile throughout the process. The clear aligners fit snuggly against your teeth and are barely noticeable. They will not show up in photos or be part of the first impression you give when you meet people. This means you can go about your normal activities feeling like you look your best all the time.

4. You Can Eat All The Foods You Love

What do you do with your aligners when you are eating? Simply take them out! People who get braces need to avoid certain foods that can get stuck in the wires. By contrast, with this system, you can continue to eat normally. When you are finished, all you need to do is brush your teeth before you put your aligners back in.

5. They Are Hygienic

Braces need to be thoroughly cleaned after eating. Even people who stick to the dietary restrictions will inevitably get some food stuck in the wires as they chew. Clear aligners never have contact with food because they are completely removable. When you take them out, you will have access to every part of them for cleaning purposes.

6. You Can Continue All Your Normal Activities

Sports, dance, and other activities are no problem for your clear aligners. This makes the system an especially good choice for athletes and teens who do extra-curricular activities.

7. They Are Safer Than Braces

With braces, it is possible that a wire might break or pop every now and then. Sometimes this happens during sports or other physical activities. Foods that are chewy, hard and/or crunchy can also cause a problem. Chips, taffy, hard vegetables, and apples are particularly hazardous. The consequences of a broken wire can range from an inconvenient trip to the orthodontist’s office to an emergency room visit.

8. The System Is Backed By Decades of Research and Satisfied Patients

Invisalign first developed its approach in 1997. Since then, its team of engineers and scientists have worked to develop industry-leading technologies with the aim of providing the highest quality treatment. Over seven million people have benefited from their clear aligners!

9. The iTero Element Scanner Provides an Accurate, Goop-Free Impression of Your Teeth

Unlike other treatments, the Invisalign system does not require you to bite into a goopy substance to make a physical impression of your teeth. Instead, we will use the iTero Element scanner to take digital images. This powerful tool is capable of taking 6,000 images per second, resulting in greater accuracy and fewer re-do’s than other devices.

10. The SmartTrack Material Allows a High Level of Control Over Your Adjustments

The SmartTrack material is the result of over eight years of research. In the process of perfecting it, Invisalign tested over 260 materials. It provides gentle, consistent pressure so that your treatment goes according to plan. In fact, its development resulted in a 75% increase in the accuracy of the digital plans.

11. The Process Is Fast

In addition to providing greater accuracy, the SmartTrack material makes this system 50% faster. Meanwhile, the iTero Element Scanner generates data with each successful treatment. Invisalign uses this data to invent ways to reduce the treatment time. In 2016, researchers developed the ability to provide weekly aligner changes for some patients. This advance allows us to plan more adjustments in less time than before.

12. Complicated Adjustments Are Now Possible With This Treatment

Braces used to be the only option for teeth that require intense straightening. Now, with the introduction of SmartForce attachments, the clear aligners can accommodate more complicated cases. SmartForce attachments are tiny, tooth-colored pieces that we can glue onto your teeth, if you will benefit from them.

The attachments allow the aligners to exert more pressure in specific areas. Not all people need the SmartForce attachments. Like the aligners themselves, they are barely visible.

13. The Aligners Will Exert a Degree of Pressure That Is Right for You

We will carefully plan your treatment so that you don’t feel any pain during the process. The SmartTrack material and sophisticated Clincheck software allow us to give your teeth the right amount of pressure. It won’t feel too uncomfortable, but it will be effective at straightening your teeth.

14. The Vivero Retainer Will Help You Keep Your Smile Straight

Your smile will look straight and beautiful at the end of this treatment. Fortunately, you don’t need to worry about your teeth shifting out of place. You can wear the Vivero retainer for a period of time to solidify your results. It is made for your unique gum line using the same process as the aligners.

Why Choose Invisalign?

This system is a fast, comfortable, and effective. Choosing clear aligners is a great braces alternative for people who want to avoid metal brackets and wires. They will get you results without affecting your appearance, causing you to give up certain foods, or restricting your activities. You will continue to smile beautifully as you get your teeth straightened because the aligners are almost invisible.

The digitally-integrated technology behind this system is state-of-the-art. The scanner, software, and materials used in this system were developed throughout decades of research by an industry-leading team of experts. Since it was developed, this system has helped over 7,000,000 patients. If you have been dreaming of a straighter smile but don’t like the idea of braces, this system can provide the perfect solution.

We are happy to give you more information about how we can help you achieve a beautifully straight smile. Contact us at MyOrthodontist in Burgaw, NC.

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