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Tooth Wisdom Blog

7 Tips To Avoid Pain From Your Clear Aligners

Are your clear teeth aligners causing you trouble? Any adjustment to your mouth will come with some pain and discomfort, especially at the start of your treatment. In our years of seeing patients through clear aligner treatment with Invisalign, we’ve found that the discomfort is temporary–however, there are some simple things you can do to manage it.

7 Tips For Clear Aligner Adjustment

1. Stay on schedule. The timing for your clear aligners is calculated to balance the amount of pain or discomfort you feel with the duration of your treatment. You should switch to your new set of aligners when instructed–not before, and not later.

2. Switch to a new aligner before bedtime. This way, you’ll sleep through the first eight hours or so with the new aligner– the toughest part of the treatment in terms of discomfort.

3. Try over-the-counter pain relievers. Many patients report that the pain they feel with their clear aligners is a soreness or tenderness most noticeable when putting the trays in or taking them out. However, pain relievers like ibuprofen, aspirin, and tylenol can help. Just be sure you are not exceeding the recommended dosage, and if the pain does not go away, this means it is time to speak with your orthodontist.

4. Report sharp edges. Invisalign aligners require precision to create. While most clear aligners present no problems, occasionally you get one with a sharp or rough edge, which can irritate parts of your mouth as a result. (This specially happens with generic off-brand clear aligners.) If this happens, see your orthodontist to fix the problem.

5. Exercise your mouth by chewing. Believe it or not, the more you use your mouth, the more quickly your teeth will move into their new positions. So be sure to really use your teeth when the aligners are out!

6. Experiencing a lot of sensitivity? It might not be the aligner trays. Tenderness and sensitivity to cold are often symptoms of something else, an inflammation inside the tooth called “pulpitis.” It is not caused by Invisalign trays specifically, but any movement of teeth can cause an existing inflammation to flare up. Most of these go away in a few days; if yours does not, see a dentist immediately. Worst case scenario, a root canal might be required.

7. Try adjustments at home? Not a good idea. It takes some pretty complex software to plan out the trajectories for your teeth and create a series of trays to make them happen. As a result, the chances of you being able to “DIY” your teeth or aligners at home are small. Therefore, if something is really bothering you, talk to your orthodontists to have it professionally fixed.

Consider Invisalign From MyOrthodontist

As with any modification to your body, planning ahead and working with a professional are key. For example, with Invisalign, it pays to use an Elite Provider.  Elite Providers earn that distinction by ranking in the top 2% of all North American providers in terms of patient volume and satisfaction. This means that they’ve seen a thing or two when it comes to Invisalign clear aligners, and will be able to guide you to success.

At MyOrthodontist, we’re proud of our Elite Invisalign provider status, and we would love to help you out with your Invisalign issues. Simply come in to one of our North Carolina locations, or check out our latest invisalign deal.

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